What we offer

Our programs are specifically designed around the emergency service physical ability tests. Whatever goal or career you’re striving for, we have you covered


Response Ready Program

  • 12 weeks duration

  • Full body Strength and conditioning

  • Increased strength and cardiovascular fitness to best prepare candidates for the following:

  • Preparation for the QFES Operational Focused Abilities Test (OFAT)

  • Preparation for the FRNSW Physical Aptitude Test, or PAT

  • Preparation for ACT Physical Aptitude Test

  • DFES( Western Australia) Physical Aptitude Test

  • NTFRS ( Northern Territory) Physical Aptitude Testing

  • Fire and Rescue Victoria Physical Aptitude Test.

Beep Test Program

  • 8 week duration

  • Running program

  • This program best prepares candidates for completing the Beep Test at a high standard

  • Designed to improve cardiovascular fitness

  • Exercises aimed at increasing VO2 MAX

The Volunteer program

  • 8 week duration

  • 4 sessions per week

  • Focus on job specific functional movements

  • 1 pool swim session a week (option to swap for run or gym session)

  • designed to increase both aerobic and anaerobic systems

  • Muscular strength and endurance